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In this article, we will examine the latest research on how potential customers discover e-commerce brands and how to market your company to make word-of-mouth powerful for each of the most popular types of discovery. The top 5 methods used by internet users aged 16-64 to discover new brands and products are:
1) Search engines
One in three people discover brands through search engines. Therefore, it is necessary to use proper SEO techniques and pay special attention to keywords. With the right techniques, you can obtain the email information of potential customers and use email marketing to promote your product or service when the sale doesn't materialize.
2) TV commercials
Television advertising allows you to reach a wide audience, but it's important to ensure that it's your target audience. While the average daily TV consumption is just over four hours, the numbers vary widely by age. If your core customers are over 50, TV is a great way to entice them to visit your store. However, it may not be as effective for younger audiences. To fully reach the younger audience, you need to focus more on digital advertising. Google research shows that integrating digital video advertising into the mix can help you reach non-TV viewers cost-effectively.
3) Word of mouth
Word of mouth still holds its hegemony. We can confirm this by showing that people mostly see recommendations from friends and family as the most reliable source of brand information. According to research, people get to know the brand thanks to reviews and recommendations on social media.
4) Social media ads
Despite people's weariness of social media advertising, this method has not yet lost its effectiveness. As a result, 27.6% of people recognize brands through social media ads. Social media ads are becoming more dynamic, personalized, and relevant to continue capturing people's attention. Keep this in mind when developing your social media advertising strategy.
5) Brand and product websites
About a quarter of people discover your brand through your website. Perhaps it's the result of someone finding you in a search, landing on your site from a random link, or clicking on a product in Google Shopping. Regardless of how they find you, it's important that your website welcomes them, engages them, and demonstrates how you can provide something no one else can.
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İnternetin sürətli inkişafı həyatımızda bir çox yeniliklərə səbəb oldu. Bunlardan biri də rəqəmsal marketinqdir. Rəqəmsal marketinq internet üzərindən aparılan marketinq növüdür və özünü bir çox formada göstərir. Bunlara SMM, SEO, SEM, email marketinq, remarketinq, kontent marketinq, e-ticarət, displey reklamlar və s. aiddir. Ənənəvi marketinq isə marketinq fəaliyyətinin ənənəvi şəkildə, yəni qəzet, televiziya, radio, jurnal və s. vasitəsilə həyata keçirildiyi marketinq sahəsidir.
With rapid changes in the use of both online and traditional channels, new methods are required to increase brand recognition and discovery.